The website is here!

I’m happy to announce that I finally tackled the beast and made a website to showcase and promote my work! This is going to be much much easier for me to display all the necessary information now… ArtStation is fine as a tool, but it was getting a little bit limitating for what I wanted to do and how I wanted to present myself online.

This place is still very much a work in progress though, so the layout might change a bit over time. I’d like it to remain simple and easily readable and browsable, with a functional and efficient layout. Let’s have a pragmatic approach, shall we!

There’s also a new logo and new colours, as the branding needed a bit of an update. My first logo, while very colourful and somewhat creative, was a pain to use — not very clear when shrunk, no possibility to change colours or simplify the design to put it in different places. This one feels more interesting to use and tweak for various situations.

Here’s a little side by side to compare…

First logo, made 2 years ago!
New logo!

I went through a lot of different designs, most of them way more abstract than this, but figured that, in the end, pragmatic approaches are just better! If you can’t read it or guess what it is supposed to symbolise, what’s the point?

If you’re reading this post right now, please be sure to expect more content and more updates coming soon as I work my way to turn this little corner of the internet into a proper home for all that art I’ve been making!

Stay tuned!

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